The following is a list of the January 1, 2022 retirees. Please read over the list of members who have recently retired. If you recognize a name give them a call, email or Facebook message congratulating them on their well deserved retirement.
Leslie Ball Bill Beechey Nelson Graham
Brent Lindsay Darryl Birkbeck Jim Lorbetski
Joe Fitzpatrick Gary Reeder Terry Fountain
Philip Varga Sam Mendola Steve Vanbeers
Allen Calhoun Kishor Gohil Joel Rose
Ruth DeGraaf Derrick Paauw Carl Bufalino
Marnie Osborne Sharon Degaust Tom Livingstone
John Kauenhofen Stefano DeCesaris Paul Knapp
Tom Turner Glen Rock Robert Gaudet
Tracey MacIntosh Keat Tan Dan Gravelle
Mike Lacasse