Port Elgin/P.E.L (Paid Education Leave)
Our members are eligible to apply for course at the Family Education Centre in Port Elgin, the courses offered give members a unique educational experience. Members travel to Port Elgin and stay at the Family Education Centre for five days. Expenses including lost time and travel is paid by a negotiated paid education leave (PEL) fund. Courses run twice a year Spring/Summer Fall/Winter.
“The Company agrees to pay into a special fund six ($.06) cents
per hour per team member for the total number of hours for which
team members shall have received pay from the Company, for the
purpose of providing PEL. Said PEL will be for the purpose of
upgrading the team member’s skills in all aspects of Trade Union
Functions. Such monies will be placed into a pooled trust but
segregated for use of CAMI Assembly team members only.
Team Members granted such leaves will be excused from
work without pay for up to twenty-one (21) days of class time,
plus travel time where necessary, said leaves of absence to be
intermittent over a twelve (12) month period from the first day of
leave during the term of the current collective agreement”
Fall Course Registration is now closed.
PEL-HSF-Course-Selection-Sept-Dec-2022 (1)

McMaster Labour Studies
Unifor-McMaster Labour Studies courses are designed specifically for Unifor members. Education has an important role in building a knowledgeable membership and workplace leadership for the future. The Unifor-McMaster program is designed with you in mind;
- Fees are paid from a negotiated fund for Eligible Unifor (Detroit three) members.
- Members receive certificates and credits for each individual course completed which go towards a University Certificate.
- Upon completion members can apply for a credit towards a university degree.
The courses are designed by experts in the field to give you knowledge and practical information you need to succeed and understand the working world of today. Whether you are looking for more information about a particular subject, are interested in getting more involved in the union or are a lifetime learner we have a course to help you. These courses play an important role in building a knowledgeable membership and future workplace leadership.
Fall Courses are now available
Mac-Unifor Schedule Fall 2023 LOCAL 88 (3)
To apply: Visit the McMaster website and click “apply now” on the right.
For more info about the program, or to get on the email list, email Kim Shepstone at educatelocal88@gmail.com
To obtain the Certificate in Labour Studies from McMaster University, you must complete 36 course units. Most courses are worth 1 unit per night.