Workers in Canada continuously face challenges that put our jobs in jeopardy. As workers we have a lot in common. Workers have been identified as the problem by both employers and governments. Workers are not the problem but we can and must be part of the solution. Workers must join together as one and fight back. By joining Unifor you will have a voice that will be heard, you will be able to challenge your employer and you will have a say in your future. On behalf of the membership and leadership of Unifor Local 88 I encourage you and your co-workers to join Unifor. Together we can make a difference. For further information please contact the undersigned. In Solidarity,
Joe Graves.

Brent Tree
President, Unifor Local 88
Phone 519-425-0952 x101

How Will You Benefit From Joining Unifor?

Contract bargaining ensures that all workers have a say in wages, benefits and working conditions on a regular basis. A contract gives unionized workers a legal right to grieve improper pay rates, health & safety issues, application of negotiated benefits, unjust treatment or discipline, etc. This process ensures that problems/issues will not be side stepped, but rather be mandated to be dealt with.

At work, unionized workers have the benefit of representation from elected and trained stewards who receive direction and assistance from the Unifor National Representative assigned to your workplace.

Unifor workers also have access to the full resources of the Union and the various departments. They provide the specific expertise and knowledge when required to do so and is a service available to all Unifor members.

Without a Union and a collective agreement, you give management the sole discretion in determining what is fair and just, concerning all of your conditions of employment and without any means to challenge any decisions that management makes.

Why Should You Join Unifor?

Wages are Higher-Joining Unifor will allow you to have better wages. Statistics Canada consistently reports large differences between such union wages and those in the non-union world.

Insurance Coverage is Higher-Joining Unifor will allow you the opportunity to have Benefit Coverage. Workers in unionized jobs were almost twice as likely as their non-union counterparts to be covered in Health Care and Disability plans.

Pension Plan Coverage-Joining Unifor will allow you the opportunity to have a Pension plan. Almost 80% of workers in unionized jobs have pension plan coverage, compared with only 27% in non-unionized positions.

More Time Off Work-Joining Unifor will afford you an opportunity to spend more time with your family. When it comes to vacations and paid holidays, unionized workers come out ahead.

Health & Safety-Joining Unifor you will have safer working conditions.

Job Security-Joining Unifor will help protect your job and improve your standard of living.

Respect-Joining Unifor will bring you the respect and dignity you deserve in your workplace.

Representation-Joining Unifor will enable you to have trained workplace representatives available to ensure your rights are protected on the job.