The Unifor Local 88 Resource Centre has joined with Ingersoll Community Employment Services to offer a Career Exploration Workshop on November 28th from 9am-1pm.

The workshop is an employment readiness program, designed to assist individuals to explore careers that suits their personality, interests and skills.

Workshop outline:

Introduction to exploring careers

  • What is career exploration
  • What does career mean

Explaining the Core Values- Intrinsic, Extrinsic, Personal

Understanding your personality

  • Review why this is important
  • Differences between Extrovert vs. Introvert

What makes you unique?

  • Looking at different personality traits using the John Holland RIASEC Code

Career Options

  • Discuss the Labour Market
  • Review of Indeed, Work in Oxford, Job Bank etc.
  • Review of College programs and where to navigate Ontario College

To register please contact the Resource Centre or 519-425-0952 ext#104

Register by November 20th.