A Discussion on Diversity and Inclusion.

Today, for many, the threat of safety is not due to a virus, but rather the colour of their skin. Civil unrest and protests throughout our own communities and across all countries around the world permeates the news and fills our social media news feeds.

Here at CAMI Assembly, and others sites across the globe, we are challenged to take the steps necessary to make General Motors the most inclusive company in the world.

The leadership of CAMI and Unifor Local 88 asks all team members to join us in standing against hatred, racial discrimination and injustice. We also send our condolences and solidarity to all black communities affected by systemic racism and who have been traumatized by the recent acts of violence.

If you are interested in helping us devote the time and resources necessary to drive change. We would like to hear from you.
With your involvement, over the next several weeks, we will be sharing more information, personal stories and resources to continue the conversation on diversity and inclusion.

Equity is paramount in building a more inclusive workplace and world.

Thank you in advance for your input and personal stories.

Survey is fully anonymous.