Apprentice Intake – Operating Engineers

Subject: Apprentice Intake – Operating Engineers

The purpose of this memo is to advise the hourly membership that GM CAMI Assembly will be accepting apprenticeship applications for the following trade:

Operating Engineers (maximum of two (2) positions)

Apprenticeship applications will be accepted from seniority production team members only. In preparation for the applications being made available, potential applicants should gather transcripts showing proof of completion and grades for high school, post-secondary and other educational/technical courses. Transcripts submitted during previous apprenticeship application periods are not available. Additionally, applicants should prepare a resume to attach to their application.

Applications will be made available starting Wednesday, May 10, 2023 in HR/LR.

The deadline to submit completed applications is Monday, May 29 at 3:00 pm.

Information sessions to discuss these apprenticeship opportunities will held as per the following schedule (all sessions to be held in the Boardroom – Admin Building).

Thursday, May 11, 2023 @ 2:00 pm
Thursday, May 11, 2023 @ 3:15 pm

Questions regarding the apprenticeship program can be directed to Chris Ciolfi, Unifor Local 88 Apprenticeship Rep at 226-825-8681.