Best Wishes From Unifor Your Union


Best wishes from Unifor

As the year comes to a close, we want to recognize the contribution of all Unifor local unions, members and activists to the outstanding work of building our union.

2022 saw our members engage in a record-number of disputes, achieve necessary collective bargaining gains and fight for economic and social justice for all. Whether you are a member of a local union executive, a discussion leader, a national representative, or a dedicated committee member, we see the hard work you put in to defend our members every day.

Our union made history this fall. We did so by questioning the actions of the Bank of Canada and calling for a national conversation on the affordability crisis and economic inequality.

We also fought off an unprecedented attack on our collective bargaining rights by organizing for a general strike, and successfully mobilizing the entire labour movement leading to the complete repeal of Bill 28 in Ontario, a once-in-a-generation existential threat for organized labour.

On the ground in the Atlantic, in Quebec, in Ontario, in the Prairies and in British Columbia – your work made our union a formidable force for all working people.

We did so much together in 2022.

Watch Lana Payne’s end-of-year video message.

In 2023, our fight will carry on. Our health care system is aching across the country, and working people – inside and outside of health care – will require actions from all levels of government. We will be called upon to continue the fight for workers’ rights, and we will need you to show up and speak out. We know you’ll be there.

We wish you a wonderful, restful break filled with joy, good health and the people you love. We cannot wait to see what you have in store for our union in 2023. Happy holidays, and a very happy New Year.

In peace and solidarity,
Lana, Len, Daniel, Gavin, Naureen, and Jennifer