CAMI Battery Assembly Plant (BAP) – A Unifor Local 88 3-part Video Series.

With the Battery plant getting closer to launch, the union approached the company with an idea to ensure members thinking of posting to the Battery plant were as informed as possible regarding the jobs and working conditions inside.

When we launched Brightdrop we had the ability to have more access to those new jobs due to KUKAs initial startup. This time around we had to do things a little different.

With job postings set to be released in a few weeks, Unifor Local 88, along with CAMI Assembly leadership takes you inside the Battery Assembly Plant. Have a look and learn more about the process and what the new BAP work looks like.

These videos are a general overview of the CAMI battery dept. The information contained is intended for CAMI employees and is for educational purposes only. The information is subject to change at the discretion of the company. Although care was taken in filming these videos. They will only be available through an unlisted YouTube link on the CAMI Facebook page as well as the Official Unifor Local 88 Members group also on FB. Viewing will also be available at the union hall (more to come) during regular business  hours. We ask that you do not share, clip or reproduce these videos outside of Local 88/CAMI.

If you have any questions at all regarding the new Battery plant, the union will be filming a Q/A video just before the postings are released. Please email and we will try to get all of them answered.

Thank you to the CAMI BAP salary team and Barry Vickery for your support and collaboration! 

Links to Facebook groups that contain the Video Links.

GM CAMI Facebook Group – CAMI FB group. (must be a member)

Local 88 Members Facebook Group. – Unifor Local 88 members FB group. (must be a member)