I hope everyone is getting used to the “new” guidelines that are in place now. It will be much better when this is all in the past.
Speaking of the past, our Retiree Executive Board elections were supposed to happen back in March of this year.
I am proposing that we look at either the January 12, or February 09 dates to hold this important event. As it is for the entire Board, I am hoping for a strong response as we have over 1,000 members that have retired from the plant. These elected members have important roles to perform, so the bigger the turnout, then the more fair the results.
Please notify either Doug Howey at   howeydoug@gmail.com or myself at   immigrate1957@gmail.com  telling us which date would be best for you.
We really need to get this done, so I am looking forward to receiving many responses.
In solidarity