ESA weeks as of April 8, 2022

The following list shows how many weeks of lay off each member has as of April 8, 2022.
The number of weeks as of May 1st will likely be 3 less than the number you have on the chart, because you will not be on lay off for April 2022.
This number increases only when a week of lay off week occurs and there was no lay off during that same week the previous year.

A member with 25 weeks on May 1st would likely gain
3 weeks in June (=28)
2 weeks in July (for shutdown 2021) (=30)
2 weeks November (rotating layoffs) (=32)
2 weeks December (rotating layoffs) (=34)
4 weeks in January (most people were not on lay off)
ESA option occurs for Feb 1st retirement if eligible

The ESA payout option occurs when a member has 35 weeks in the previous 52-week period.
