FINAL REMINDER! Local 88 Bursary Applications Due Friday, April 30, 3:30pm

Unifor Local 88 Bursary Package-FILLABLE

Hard copies will be available at the union hall.

Each year, Unifor Local 88 funds four (4) bursaries for the sum of $750.00 each.

Unifor Local 88 members’ children graduating from secondary school and entering their first year of post-secondary education in a Canadian institution such as a university, college or technology institute are eligible to apply for the bursaries. These are entrance bursaries only.  Students entering their second or further years of study or entering first year after a gap between secondary and post-secondary are not eligible.

Submissions must include ALL of the following items for consideration:

  1. Official application form
  2. Letter(s) of recommendation
  3. School grades
  4. Registration and acceptance from post-secondary institution (if available at this time)
  5. Answers to all of the five (5) application questions which must be submitted in both of the following formats:
    • hardcopy on 8.5” x 11” paper
    • electronically in PDF file format on a USB memory stick or by email to


* The answers to the essay questions make up 75% of the total scoring. 

The method of scoring is as follows:

  • Bursary application packages are received by the Financial Secretary who then:
    • scores the content of bursary package submissions determining that all requested information and documentation has been provided by the applicant.
    • removes all identifying information from the essay question portion of the application.
    • makes three copies of each anonymous essay question portion of the package sending one from each applicant to the three judges.
  • The judges:
    • score the essay questions based on content, spelling and grammar
    • return the anonymous packages back to the Financial Secretary.
  • The Financial Secretary averages the scores of the three judges from the essay questions for each applicant, then adds the averaged essay question scores to the scoring of the bursary package submissions.
  • The applicants with the top four scores are awarded one each of the four available bursaries.

Successful applicants will be required to submit documentation indicating their acceptance into an institution previously mentioned as well as proof of registration before any monies are presented.

The selection process and award decision will be made solely by the Unifor Local 88 Bursary committee. All decisions are final. By completing and submitting the application you give Unifor Local 88 permission to reproduce your answers and name for promotion in our Unifor Local 88 newsletter, website, promotional displays and advertising material. Submissions will not be returned.

Applications must be received at the Unifor Local 88 union hall office or your unit or inplant union office by the deadline: 3:30PM, Friday, April 30, 2021 in order to be considered.

  • Unifor Local 88 Office (Union Hall)
  • P.O. Box 158, 364 Victoria St.
  • Ingersoll, ON N5C 3K5

Entries can also be emailed to