General Update


APRIL 8, 2021

Yesterday the Ford government announced a lock down for the province.
GM has now informed us that due to the stay at home order, combined with our lack of parts, the plant will be shut down except for designated number of trades. The benefit reps will be working from home and you can call them via their work phones or cell phones.
We are going to continue the vacation selection process through this time, and we will continue to call people every day until completed.
The union hall will remain open during this stay at home order.
The reps that are at work this week doing vacation, plus benefit reps and safety were given a one-hour long update today on the new Brightdrop program and changes coming to our plant.
I just want everyone to be aware that the program is full steam ahead and changes are coming to our plant, with some new equipment being installed already this summer. Our new Brightdrop launch team is in place and the company is expecting to begin launch activity in May/June.

Attached is a memo from the company regarding return to work timing for future production plans.

We hope everyone stays safe and healthy during this time.

Take a few minutes each week, reach out to friends and co-workers and make sure everyone is doing ok.

Memo - Temporary Layoff Update April 8 2021