GM Announces Temp Layoff Week of Feb 8, 2021

February 2021 Layoff – EI information 

The upcoming plant layoff is a normal layoff, due to a shortage of work (Parts shortage).

  • Anyone that has an open claim and is continuing to report can just report as they normally do.
  • If you either stopped reporting or stopped your claim (started full time work), please complete a new EI application. If you completed a claim after September 2020 it will re-activate your claim.
  • If you haven’t taken a layoff week since the original layoff that started in March 2020 or do not have an open claim, please complete a new EI application.
  • There is no reference code and ROE’s will be done by payroll.

Please note the one (1) week waiting period is being waived by Service Canada from Feb 2021 until Sept 2021. So, you will not have to do a waiting period on a brand-new claim.

The Unifor Benefits office will remain open 7-3 for any questions or issues:

Jeff Bankes – 226-825-8535

Rob Gallace -226-825-8534

Stephan Cronin – 226-825-8533