Ingersoll Santa Claus Parade This Past Saturday

Saturday December 04/2021

What a fantastic turnout for the Ingersoll Santa Claus Parade!!! Not just for our membership, the folks at FUSION but also the folks of Ingersoll who took part in watching the Parade!! The streets were lined with Men, Women, other and children of all ages!!! 

I want to send a special thanks to all of the volunteers that stepped forward to be a part of such a wonderful event!!!

 Thanks to:
Craig Broddy, his staff members as well as all of the children of Fusion Youth Activity and Technology Centre
Our UNIFOR members…Walk, wavers and riders (My apologies if I have missed anyone)

Steven Pye
Monica Lovell
Shayla Wolff
Colleen Wake
Jennifer Primeau-Turk
Wanda Foster
Becky Berry
Laura Lively
Michelle Mallard
Rachel Flegel

Our POOPER scoopers
Brent Tree
Mike VanBoekel 

Horseback riders
Jan Moulton
Kim Reath

And my good friend Jodi Lynne and her granddaughter Lailah

 With approximately 50 Volunteers not including the 8 horseback riders, a golf cart and wagon all done up (Steve Pye & Monica Lovell), 2 children dressed in costume (Tin Soldier and Rudolph), our very own Colleen Wake dressed as Frosty the Snowman, an ATV with a cart and 2 professional POOPER scoopers (Brent Tree and Mike VanBoekel) the parade went off without a hitch!!


We couldn’t have asked for a better day, or a better turnout of support this year! 

With all that’s been going on in society today the Community of Ingersoll along with UNIFOR and all of the surrounding companies that pitched into making this years Santa Claus Parade a wonderful memory for all!!!! 


In solidarity,

Dave Simmons
Community Services Committee Chairperson