Instructions for GMID Workday Launch


Activate your GMID as a First Time User with the upcoming WorkDay Launch

*Note: the site will not allow you to log in until after September 20th launch date.

Go to to get started!

  1. Identify Yourself using your GMIN (Number on your Badge) and your first and last name
  2. Go to the link below “First Time User” and click Activate Your GMID
  3. You will then select your phone/email to receive a 6 digit code that you will need to type in the box once you receive it. Please write it down.
  4. Next you will create Your Password & you are ready for Workday

(If you already have a GMID login; you may need to click Password Reset & Account Recovery to reactivate your account)

If you have any issues, contact your Departmental Business Manager or Employee Relations