January 1, 2023 Retirees

The following is a list of the January 1, 2023 retirees. Please read over the list of members who have recently retired. If you recognize a name, give them a call, email or Facebook message congratulating them on their well-deserved retirement


Brian Armstrong                   Angela Johnston                 Jim Tilford

Thomas Bailey                     Cathy Johnston                    Adam Trudgen

Dale Besenyodi                    John Lavallee                       Barry Turner

Ron Brooks                           Brian Layman                       Anissa Varey

Tony Bruno                           John Lefler                            Guillermo Wall

Shawn Carradine                Phil MacQuarrie                   John Walsh

Olimipio Carvalho                Chris Maginnis                     Mike Webster

Paul Colibaba                       Frank Marinho                      Andrew Wiebe

Mike Cormier                        James McAdam                   Brad Wright

Stuart Crewe                         Donna Mckie                        Dave Yancy

Kevin Cripps                         David McKinnon                  Fred Dawson

Paul Desrosiers                    Jose Mendonca                   Ian Jackson

Allan Dimmel                        Tony Mendonca                   Neil Jacobs

Randy Dodman                    Jarod Moorhouse                Krzysztof Kozak

Kenneth Dougherty             David Nettling                       Jan Matuszczak

Brian Edwards                      Philip Paget                           Bruce McKerlie

Reid Evans                           George Pall                           Brian Murphy

Andy Foreman                      Brenda Pellow                      Gregory Skikavich

Troy French                          John Robbins                       Stanislaw Wasinski

John Gallina                         Patrick Roy                            Leonard Williamson

Nancy Gaulin Ramos          Calvin Schmidt                     Nelson Ramos

Carolyn Graham                   Paul Shaddock                     Diane Baker

Jim Hanlon                           Jeanine Simmons               John Hildebrandt

Petra Haskell                       John Sousa

Brent Holland                       Tammy Storey

John Hornick                        Scott Sutherland

James Hucthinson               Tania Taylor

Dave Jenkins                        Timothy Thornton