January 28,2024 General Membership Meeting Notice



DATE: SUNDAY January 28, 2024

TIME: 10:30 A.M.

PLACE: Unifor Local 88 Union Hall
364 Victoria Street, Ingersoll


Roll call of Local 88 Leadership
Respect to Deceased Members of Local 88
Business Arising from the Previous Meeting
Correspondence / Executive Reports and Recommendations
Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Financial Secretary Report
Delegate Reports
Standing Committee Reports
Shop / Bargaining Committee Reports
Old and New Business

Note: The following notice of motion for a bylaw change will be discussed and voted on at the January 28, 2024 General Membership Meeting

Notice of Motion for change to Local 88 By-laws from November 26, 2023 membership meeting:
Intent: To update local 88 bylaws to include Black, Indigenous and Worker of Colour (BIWOC) member at large on the local executive board.
Therefore, be it resolved that Article IX. EXECUTIVE BOARD

Section 9.01 Local Union Executive Board

(a) The Local Union Executive Board shall consist of;
(i) The local Union Officers; and
(ii) A Chairperson from each employer and where there are multiple units with the same employer the chairpersons of those units will select a designate; and
(iii) A Skilled Trades Committeeperson from each employer and where there are multiple units with the same employer the Skilled Trades Committeepersons of those units will select a designate; and
(iv) Youth Member At large
(b) All Local Union Executive Board Members shall have voice and vote.
Be amended to read as follows:

Section 9.01 Local Union Executive Board
(a) The Local Union Executive Board shall consist of;
(i) The local Union Officers; and
(ii) A Chairperson from each employer and where there are multiple units with the
(iii) same employer the chairpersons of those units will select a designate; and
(iv) A Skilled Trades Committeeperson from each employer and where there are multiple units with the same employer the Skilled Trades Committeepersons of those units will select a designate; and
(v) Youth Member At large
(vi) Black, Indigenous and Worker of Colour (BIWOC)
Member at Large commencing with the Triennial Elections of 2024 and three (3) years after.

(b) All Local Union Executive Board Members shall have voice and vote.
Therefore, be it resolved that Article XV. LOCAL UNION ELECTIONS & ELECTION COMMITTEES
Section 15.08 Eligibility for Local Elected Positions
(a) All members of Local 88 shall be eligible for all of the following Executive Board positions which include the President, Vice President, Financial Secretary, Recording Secretary, Guide, Sergeant-at-Arms, Youth Member-at-Large and Trustees (3).
(b) All other elected positions of Local 88 shall be restricted to only members of their particular unit.
(i) All members shall be eligible for all Local Union official representative positions provided that they have been a member in good standing for one year immediately prior to the close of the nomination eligibility period and meets the criteria set out below. This includes members who are/were off due to S&A, Mate rnity/Parental Leave, WSIB and official union LOA ‘s.
1) All GM CAMI Assembly Unit members are eligible to run for all full time positions excluding Zone Representatives and Health & Safety Representatives, who must belong to the zone and/or shift of the representative.
2) All GM CAMI Assembly Unit members are eligible to run for all alternate positions excluding Zone Alternate Representatives and Health & Safety Alternate Representatives, who must belong to the zone and/or shift of representation.
3) Only members under the age of 35 years as of the date of the election may run for the Youth Member at Large.
4) Only Skilled Trades are eligible to run for Skilled Trades positions.

5) A retired member is not eligible to seek election as a local union officer of the local union
Be amended to read as follows:
Section 15.08 Eligibility for Local Elected Positions
(a) All members of Local 88 shall be eligible for all of the following Executive Board positions which include the President, Vice President, Financial Secretary, Recording Secretary, Guide, Sergeant-at-Arms, Youth Member-at-Large and Trustees (3).
(b) All other elected positions of Local 88 shall be restricted to only members of their particular unit.
(ii) All members shall be eligible for all Local Union official representative positions provided that they have been a member in good standing for one year immediately prior to the close of the nomination eligibility period and meets the criteria set out below. This includes members who are/were off due to S&A, Mate rnity/Parental Leave, WSIB and official union LOA ‘s.
1) All GM CAMI Assembly Unit members are eligible to run for all full-time positions excluding Zone Representatives and Health & Safety Representatives, who must belong to the zone and/or shift of the representative.
2) All GM CAMI Assembly Unit members are eligible to run for all alternate positions excluding Zone Alternate Representatives and Health & Safety Alternate Representatives, who must belong to the zone and/or shift of representation.
3) Only members under the age of 35 years as of the date of the election may run for the Youth Member at Large.
4) Only Skilled Trades are eligible to run for Skilled Trades positions.

5) A retired member is not eligible to seek election as a local union officer of the local union

6) Only members that identify as a member of the Black, Indigenous and Worker of Colour (BIWOC) community are eligible to run for this position.


Sign Interpreter(s) will be available upon request. (Pre-registration is required by Tuesday January 23, 2024.) Please contact Brent Tree, President, at 519-425-0952 ext. 101 or email at brenttree@unifor88.ca

Child Care will be available upon request by qualified Early Childhood Educators (Pre-registration is required by Tuesday January 23, 2024). Please contact Brent Tree, President, at 519-425-0952 ext. 101 or email at brenttree@unifor88.ca

Posted: January 19, 2024