New Website – Don’t Panic

The Communications committee has been hard at work over the past few months rebuilding our Unifor 88 website from the ground up.
This time around we have focused on getting as much information on a page as possible, slim the site down to make it faster, and getting rid of any fluff.
Over the next day or two (depending on our hosting company) the site will be live. You need to do nothing. The address is the same. The pages are mostly the same, calendar/helpful links etc. so don’t panic.
There may be a short bit of downtime when the site moves from the old server to the new but we are trying to keep the downtime to a minimum.

After the site launches if you find anything we’ve missed or linked incorrectly please tell us so we can fix it. Send us an email here.

We’ve also made a short video tour or what to expect with the new site.