Next retiree meeting will be May 8, 2024 at 12 noon

The next retiree meeting will be May 8th at 12 noon. The agenda will include an election for the positions not filled in the general election.
Vice -Chair ( fills in during any absence of the chair)
Recording Secretary ( records minutes of the Retiree committee meeting)
Financial Secretary ( works with the Locals Financial Secretary to administrator our funds)
Also there will be an election for Area Council Delegate (3). ( attends area council meetings, approximately every other month)
Also an election for Retiree Convention Delegate (2) . ( attends Retiree Convention in Port Elgin, the week starts the Monday of Labour Day. As well as any other Retiree conventions the National may call).
All positions are for a 3 year term.
Congratulations to the newly elected Committee, led by Emerson Cornish as Chair.
Dan LeFrank- Sgt at Arms
Cindy Malan, Doug White- Trustees
The Local Union encourages all eligible Retiree’s to get involved with your Retiree Chapter.
In Solidarity
Dan LeFrank