No (or reduced) income during the Summer Shutdown? – Apply for Employment Insurance (EI)

Message from Unifor 88 Benefits

Anyone that does not have income during the summer shut down should apply for EI, this includes TPTs who have worked at least 700 hours in the last 52 weeks (or since the last EI claim).
This online application can be done on your last day worked, and an ROE can be requested through payroll.
We recommend everyone who can apply, to apply. This will cover your one week waiting period for a 52-week period. You will receive benefits in the instance that the second week has no income, or if you need to re-apply for EI at a later date. This includes when you have reduced hours, EI Sickness, Parental Leave, or Family Caregiver leaves over the next year.

For anyone that has already been on a claim in the past 52 weeks;

    • You should be able to re-open your claim.
    • If you’ve already served the one week waiting period, you won’t have to do it again.
    • You will have to call Service Canada, have them re-open the claim and report your hours.
  • If you are in the situation where you are getting paid vacation pay, but are at a reduced amount for the second week and have collected EI this year
    • You could still qualify for a reduced amount of EI for that week.
    • If you have an open claim, you’ll need to report your hours,
    • If your claim has gone dormant, you’ll need to re-open your claim by calling Service Canada.

If you need help with anything please let Benefits know, 519-425-3134 ext. 3342, 3345, 3353.
To request an ROE call payroll, 519-425-3134 ext. 3062, 3072, 3073.
Service Canada number: 1-800-206-7218 press 0 right away to get a live person.