International Day for the Eradication of Poverty Logo

On this International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, Unifor reaffirms its commitment to fighting poverty both here in Canada and around the world.

Despite the significant economic advances of the past few decades, the harsh reality is that millions of people still face daily struggles to meet their most basic needs. Whether it’s housing, food, or health care, poverty remains a barrier to an adequate quality of life.

In Canada, growing inequality continues to widen the gap between the rich and everyone else.

Statistics Canada recently reported that the wealthiest 20% of households now control over 67% of total wealth, while the bottom 40% hold just 2.5%. This stark disparity particularly impacts workers in precarious employment, racialized communities, women, Indigenous peoples, and persons with disabilities, who bear the brunt of these inequities. The pandemic further exacerbated these disparities, leaving many families struggling to make ends meet while corporate profits soared.

As a union, we know that decent work is key to lifting people out of poverty.

Fair wages, secure employment, and strong public services are essential. Unifor believes that achieving economic justice relies on ensuring workers have the right to fair and equitable collective bargaining. This is why we are unwavering in our defense of workers’ rights to negotiate for better wages and working conditions and access to universal health care, childcare and housing.

Solutions to poverty must go beyond addressing economic inequalities alone. Poverty strips people of their agency and participation in society, reinforcing cycles of exclusion that demand systemic intervention.

The Unifor Social Justice Fund (SJF) plays an important role in this mission, supporting initiatives at home and abroad that tackle poverty head-on.

Through the SJF, we’ve contributed to community-led projects that create sustainable development opportunities, respond to humanitarian crises, and build pathways to economic security for marginalized populations. From funding food security initiatives to supporting education and skill-building programs in impoverished regions, the Social Justice Fund demonstrates our union’s commitment to global solidarity.

As we observe this important day, we call on governments at all levels to take meaningful action to eradicate poverty. This includes implementing comprehensive policies that address affordable housing shortages, ensuring income security for all, investing in education and training, and supporting fair taxation to reduce inequality.

Canada must lead by example and make poverty eradication a national priority.

Unifor will continue to push for policies that promote justice, equity, and inclusion. Poverty is not inevitable—it is the result of choices made by those in power. On this day, and every day, we stand with those experiencing poverty, and we renew our determination to create a world where no one is left behind.

Read this statement on our website.

In solidarity,

Lana Payne
Unifor National President