
The rumour has it that Doug Ford’s think tank are now considering rolling back some of our labour laws and attacking Unions. Please put Thursday, July 25 on your calendar. There is a rally planned  at Monte McNaughton’s office in Glencoe for 10 a.m.that morning. He has office hours Thursday a.m. in Glencoe, so it is a great time to show up and say “HI” to him!. There will be food served, guest speakers and a special guest. Unifor is in Doug Ford’s head, so let’s make sure we stay there. When we speak up against his ideas, he and his party don’t like it, and so they react badly. His government acting badly will help us ensure Andrew Scheer does not get elected!! I hope to see many of us retirees there. We do carry a lot of power as a formidable voting group.