REMINDER: Local 88 Memorial Bursary Applications Due Friday, April 29, 3:30PM

Information and Guidelines

Each year, Unifor Local 88 funds four (4) bursaries for the sum of $750.00 each.

Unifor Local 88 members’ children graduating from secondary school and entering their first year of post-secondary education in a Canadian institution such as a university, college or technology institute are eligible to apply for the bursaries. These are entrance bursaries only.  Students entering their second or further years of study or entering first year after a gap between secondary and post-secondary are not eligible.

Submissions must include ALL of the following items for consideration:

  1. Official application form
  2. Letter(s) of recommendation
  3. School grades
  4. Registration and acceptance from post-secondary institution (if available at this time)
  5. Answers to all of the five (5) application questions, submitted:
    1. Electronically in PDF file format and emailed to
    2. Via the online application form below.
    3. In hard copy to the Local 88 union hall (364 Victoria St. Ingersoll N5C 2N4)
    4. In hard copy to the GM Cami Unifor InPlant office or the AWC Unit Chair.