Retiree Elections Timeline

The Communications committee has been asked by the Retiree chapter to help with their elections by taking them online!
We helped the Election committee with the Triennial recently so are ready to help.
We will again be using Simply Votings help to accomplish this.

Please note – if you voted in the Triennial election we have your email address and you are good to go for voting all you need to do is just sit back and relax.
For those others we will be posting a signup form next week, that will be up for 3 days, for those other Retiree’s that want to vote in the upcoming election and haven’t previously signed up.

Please Note – To be eligible to vote and/or run for a position in the upcoming election you will need to be officially retired as of January 1, 2022.
Retiree bylaws also state you are eligible to hold/run for one position only at a time.

We have been asked to provide a campaign page on the website as well for candidates posters etc. if interested. We will provide the email to send your material to us in the reply email you get from the self nomination form.

Keep an eye on the website and Facebook for more info as it becomes available.

The Retiree Chapter Election timeline will be as follows…

    1. December 20-23, 2021        Call/Signup form for emails
    2. January 4-5, 2022                 Nominations open on website
    3. January 6                               Nominations list posted on website
    4. January 8-16                         Campaign period
    5. January 17-18                       Election (online) hours TBD
    6. January 18                             Election (hall 7-3) *see below
    7. January 19                             Results
    8. January 21                             Runoffs (if necessary) *see below
    9. Results follow
    10. Swearing in of new Retiree officers will be held on January 30th at the General Membership Meeting.

From above * – The hall will be open for technical help with the voting process from 7-3 on these dates if you are having problems (didn’t receive email from Simply Voting etc.).
This is not a regular poll for voting only for tech support.

The Unifor Local 88 Retiree Executive Board positions are:

Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Recording Secretary, Financial Secretary
Sergeant-at-Arms, and 2 Trustees.

The duties of these officers, as prescribed by the Local Union and the Retired Workers Chapter in the By-Laws, are:

Chairperson – The Chairperson shall preside at all Chapter Membership meetings; attend both the Unifor Local 88 Executive Board Meetings; and the General Membership meetings.

Vice-Chairperson – The Vice-Chairperson shall assist the Chairperson and assume the duties of the Chairperson in their absence.

Recording Secretary – The Recording Secretary shall keep minutes of all Chapter Membership and Executive Board Meetings; read all documents and conduct the general correspondence pertaining to the chapter.

Financial Secretary – The Financial Secretary shall maintain contact with the Financial Secretary of the Local Union. He/she shall report monthly to the membership regarding the status of the Retired Workers Chapter Fund.

Sergeant-at Arms – The sergeant-at-arms shall:
Set up the room for every meeting;  introduce all new members and visitors; and assist the Chairperson in preserving order when called to do so. Clear the room after every meeting.

Trustees {2} – The trustees will audit the financial Records of the Retired Workers Chapter books in January or February of each year. The Trustees will report out at the next meeting following their audit.

There are 3 non Executive delegate positions that will be voted on at a meeting of the retirees following the general election.


In Solidarity,