Retiree Trustee election reschedule to tomorrow April 10, 2024

Posted for the Election Committee:

There was a mix up with scheduling and time off for Election committee members for todays Retiree – Trustee election.
We are going to reschedule the election to run tomorrow April 10, 2024 from 8am – 12 am (Midnight).

This will be an online vote like the last triennial election so if you are an eligible local 88 retiree watch your inbox tomorrow morning for voting info and a link to vote.
Note: If you voted as a retiree last election or signed up to vote in the last retiree voter intake we have your email address to send voting credentials to.
If you have retired since then or have any questions during the election you can contact Elections tomorrow morning (10th) after 8 am at and they will enter you manually.