Short Work Week Memo – Feb 1/2022


February 1, 2022




Our plant is facing some downtime, and this could occur more often over the next 3 months due to parts shortages.  Covid could shut down a small supplier plant, which could cause us to shut down within a day, all with very little warning.

We bargained a benefit in our contract many years ago called Short Work Week.  It was to guarantee your wages at 80% in case of emergencies when the team member had less than forty (40) compensated or available hours.  The SWW benefit was to ensure you a minimum of 80% pay in that week to make sure you could pay your bills, etc.

If the company offers you full hours with full pay, the SWW benefit does not apply.  The Union will always argue for full wages, that is what you should expect when you arrive at work.

In 2021 and 2022, hours of work will be very limited.  You need 1000 hours of work from July 1 – June 30 each vacation year to receive your fully paid vacation entitlement.   You also need to work 1700 in a calendar year to receive your full pension credit (for DB members).

New this year, we are also in the 4% bonus for everything you earn while working at CAMI.  The more you work, the bigger your bonus.

Most members will need every hour that is available to work to meet these requirements, plus earn more on your 4% bonus.

On a side note – all full- time members receive 1.5 overtime rate for all hours worked on a Saturday, regardless of how many hours you work during the week.     


The Inplant Committee