Some Updates. March 21 2020

First of all, we want to thank everyone again for their patience. This is unprecedented times and we are trying to navigate through as best we can. Special thanks to all our benefits reps who worked late last night answering calls and questions. The in-plant office has been very busy.

A couple of items to update:

Short Work Week:
The company has agreed to pay all SENIORITY members Short Work Week for Fri March 21 2020. (This does not include students) In the contract language, it states 3 years or more seniority to receive this benefit. We were able to achieve it for those remaining years. So if you worked Friday and were sent home you will be paid in accordance with the SWW provisions listed in our contract. Call in’s for that day are ineligible for this benefit.

Please make sure when filling out EI form you report 8 hours of pay for Fri. EVEN if you got SWW.

Supplemental unemployment benefits (SUB):

The Union, National as well as some other parties are working on getting SUB pay for all seniority members. Currently, the contract states 5 or more years to be eligible. We are working on top-up for everyone. This is NOT a guarantee. It is up to the company, but we are trying to get everyone paid as much as we can. We will update when we know.


We have decided not to do a podcast as we are all trying to social distance. However, a form is coming later on the site to fill out any questions you may have ( IE: EI, Benefits). We will get them answered and post it.