Support for Bill-277

Unifor Local 88 Union in Politics committee has an ask of our members.
Time is short so we need to do this today.
MPP Terence Kernaghan has a private members bill coming forward tomorrow. This Bill-277 will be able to provide assistive devices for mental health

From the Bill:
“The Bill adds a new subsection to section 6 of the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Act that requires the Minister to ensure that the Assistive Devices Program, or any other similar program established to provide access to assistive devices to support individuals with health needs, includes assistive devices to support individuals with mental health needs and any related data plans required to connect those devices
New technological devices are emerging to support individuals with mental health needs who are living at home. Assistive devices for mental health needs may allow individuals to access medical and counselling appointments on a virtual basis, have their heart rate, physical activity and sleep data electronically relayed to health care providers and have their medications dispensed automatically at prescribed times.
A pilot study recently conducted through St. Joseph’s Health Care London in London, Ontario, determined that a hospital bed for one individual with mental health needs costs $454 per day, or $165,710 per year. Conversely, providing assistive devices for mental health needs to that same individual living at home, including licensing and billing fees, costs $12,000 per year. The pilot study also determined that study participants who lived at home but had access to assistive devices for mental health needs felt more empowered, more mobile, more integrated in their communities and less isolated. The assistive devices also supported greater independent living, greater self-care, less pain and fewer visits to a health or social service provider or a hospital’s emergency department.
The pilot study concluded that 78 per cent of the study participants found assistive devices for their mental health needs improved their overall health.”
To see more on Bill-277 click here.

The Union in Politics committee asks you to send an email to your MPP telling them you support Bill-277.
You can find your MPP’s contact info here.