Support for Coralyn’s Journey a gofundme For A Members Child


Lawrence Schnarr is one of our members.
Any amount would be greatly appreciated.
Below is the text of the gofundme for his daughter.

To help support you can find the gofundme here.

The Backstory…

Near the end of February Coralyn became sick with a flu bug that was going around. After a few days with no improvement, she was taken to Children’s Emerg. in London. For Coralyn, a visit to the emergency room isn’t just a simple symptoms and diagnosis routine, she requires her shunt to be checked if she has any headaches or vomiting. During this visit, everything pointed to a gastro bug. After being admitted for the night, given fluids and some medication to ease the symptoms, Coralyn was able to go home.

3 days later…

Coralyn still wasn’t feeling back to her normal self, unable to eat and having migraines on and off, it was decided that she needed to go back to Children’s emerg for another follow up. Since Coralyn was just released not long ago, she was taken back in quickly and hours later was given a MRI, CT scan, bloodwork and a nasal camera. The doctors determined that it was in fact not a gastro bug at all, but Meningitis on her brain, which meant emergency surgery was happening. TheInfectious Disease Team said it’s a good thing she was brought back in again due to the seriousness of this infection.

Coralyn underwent 2 major surgeries that night.
One to disconnect her shunt to have her csf brain fluid drain outside the body to prevent any infection going through the shunt and so neurology could monitor the fluid.
And the second, the Infectious Disease team went in and cleaned out her 2nd sinus passages which were full of infection.

A week later…

Coralyn is currently in pediatric critical care unit at Victoria Hospital in London. She is receiving blood thinners to help break up blood clots which have formed and lots of medications to help clear many different strains of staph infections that are in her head, with more being cultured to find out what exact infections she has.

On Wednesday (March 13) Coralyn had a PICC line placed in her arm to be able to have a direct line for medication. This will make receiving medication easier for Coralyn now.

The long road ahead…

The doctors have said the road to recovery is going to be a very long one, for Coralyn, and the Schnarr family. Currently Coralyn will be in the hospital for quite some time, and then another long road once she is home. This has been a very upsetting and stressful time for Lawrence, Lynette and girls. Lynette has had to cut back her work as she needs to be at the hospital for Coralyn, and Lawrence is working hard to balance his work, plus provide for the other 2 girls at home.

Your donation will help the Schnarr’s with getting back and forth to London, hospital parking fees, overnight stays at the Ronald McDonald house, and eventually the necessary care for Coralyn when she does get to come home.

We greatly appreciate all donations. We know that money can be tight, so please know that even $5 helps us to help Coralyn on her Journey to getting her health back.