The Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) Nov 20, 2024

The Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR), observed on November 20, is a solemn occasion to remember and honour those who have tragically lost their lives due to ignorance and hatred, targeted solely because of their transgender or gender non-conforming identity.
“The social, legal, and physical attacks on trans people in Canada are growing in number and in cruelty. We must put a stop to the violence,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. “Every trans adult was once a trans kid, and it’s up to all of us to protect them and ensure that children have their rights respected so they can grow up, live, and be free.”
On November 20, Unifor encourages all members to actively engage with this vital day of remembrance. We invite you to participate in community events and utilize the union’s resources to spread awareness and support.
“Attend a vigil, connect with the trans and queer community, and listen to the stories from survivors of hate crimes and anti-trans violence,” continued Payne.
The seeds of anti-trans violence, whether perpetuated by family members, strangers, and romantic partners, are sown through questioning of trans existence, denial of trans health care, and attempts to push trans people out of public life. We also witness anti-trans hate and violence on a national scale, with anti-trans legislation in Alberta and Saskatchewan, and a wave of incoming trans rights’ regression in the United States—underscoring the importance and urgency of our work to foster equality, respect, and safety for all. It is encouraging however that voter mobilization in New Brunswick to defeat the anti-trans Blaine Higgs government proved that we can successfully fight back against regressive Conservative government agendas.
As Unifor moves to push for Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) to be declared an epidemic in jurisdictions across the country, the union acknowledges that trans women and non-binary people are significantly overrepresented in instances of gender-based violence.
Unifor will continue to counter these moves and defend worker’s rights, including the rights of trans members, from governments that target them.