Unifor Local 88 – Canadian Association of Labour Media 2020 Award winner

The winner of this year’s Most innovative online tool 2020 is:
Unifor Local 88 for their App

Congratulations to our Local 88 Communications Committee, this is a fantastic achievement!
A lot of hard work went into, and continues to go into, this communication tool for our members and the multitude of others who use it to keep up to date with the latest Local 88 news & information!

Here’s what the judge had to say:
“This app is useful—not all apps are.
It consolidates information on elections, events and keeps members connected to their community. There is also room to grow this app to foster parallel community growth.”

Thank you to the Canadian Association of Labour Media for the acknowledgement of all of our continued hard work on behalf of our members.

If you don’t have our app yet you can find it here.