Unifor National Executive Board Minutes Feb-June 2022

June 29, 2022 – MOTION -Releasing NEB minutes
Unifor members will attend their regular convention from August 8-11, 2022; and The Unifor National Executive Board (NEB) believes that Unifor members should have the fullest information possible on the charges against Jerry Dias and subsequent decisions made by the NEB following the January 26, 2022 written complaint.

Article 2, paragraph 6 of the Unifor Constitution states:
6. Unifor is committed to good governance, fair representation and clear rules and practices. The principle of accountability will be apparent in all our decision making and actions. And the practice of transparency will be evident in our procedures. Our reporting, financial and otherwise, will be timely and reliable and our decision making will be clear and relevant.

Article 7 (B) (3) of the Unifor Constitution states:
3. Verbatim transcripts will be taken at National Executive Board meetings. The proceedings will be transcribed immediately and sent to Board members. A record of decisions and actions of the National Executive Board shall be provided to all Local Unions and subordinate bodies in a timely way
Despite the NEB’s commitments to transparency and accountability regarding the complaint filed January 26, 2022 and in relation to its subsequent decisions as a result, misinformation and speculation have clouded the transparency that our members deserve.
Unifor remains committed to transparency into the investigation of the constitutional breach by Jerry Dias and the subsequent decisions of the NEB.

Therefore, the National Executive Board will:
This motion will include the preamble and the motion and the preamble will be immediately sent out to all Unifor members along with the following:
Immediately release all verbatim transcript minutes of all Unifor National Executive Board meetings from February 1, 2022 to June 29, 2022.
These minutes shall be translated into both official languages and released to all members using all Unifor communication tools. They shall be made available to all members in an easily accessible and digital manner.
All minutes currently available shall be immediately sent out to all Unifor members and any that are not translated and currently available will be completed as soon as possible and sent to all Unifor members
immediately upon completion and no later than thirty (30) days prior to the opening of the regular convention on August 8, 2022.
The summary report and the full report of the investigation into former president Jerry Dias shall also be released immediately in order to inform members ability to understand the discussion and context in those minutes.
Portions of the minutes and reports shall be redacted only as may be required in the context of a stated desire by the NEB for transparency.

Jerry Dias Breach-Investigation and Summary Report

February 2022 Unifor NEB Minutes

March 2022 Unifor NEB Minutes

April 2022 Unifor NEB Minutes

May 2022 Unifor NEB Minutes

June 2022 Unifor NEB Minutes