Production Postings, Update for this busy week


Please be aware that following the release of the Purify/Rotation Vote results there will be Production jobs posted.

We expect the Battery Department postings to go up as early as Friday morning, and are expected to close on Wednesday.
The postings will be open to all members with posting rights from any department, as there are no members that would be eligible for departmental openings in Battery.

To allow the membership to get a hands-on feel for the positions available, the company has set up an area in the administration building with the parts available for viewing. Member can attend the area at the end of the hallway north of the main lobby (signage will be posted in the lobby). There will be people there to answer any questions.

Monday Feb 12
Tuesday Feb 13
9am – 2pm
Admin Building
(formerly Payroll Area)

If you are having voting issues;
Contact or
Visit the Local Union Hall today between 8am-4pm

In Solidarity;
Your Inplant Committee