Update from Unifor 88 Benefits Reps

Employment Insurance Claims:

We’ve been getting inquires about EI claims ending. In the past, you’d get a notification on your reporting that this would be the last report, but we have been getting calls stating this hasn’t been the case. If you attempt to sign into your EI reporting and it states “You do not have an active claim” this is an indication that your claim has now ended and you need to file a brand new application. Please be aware there is a one week waiting period if you are starting a new claim.

If you do not have enough hours for the new claim and are SUB eligible still, please contact us.  We can help get you setup on full SUB.

SUB Payments for 2013 – Present day hires:

We have been getting inquires about SUB payments dropping for people hired in 2013 and after. The language in the contract allows the first 13 weeks to be paid at 65% and the remaining is at 50%. If you noticed a drop in your SUB pay recently this may be the case. We are now reaching the 14th week since our layoff started. You can verify this is the issue by calling the GMNA Shared People Services Center @ 1-800-930-9130. They will be able to look up information on your pay and SUB.

IMP Benefits:

If you have reached the end of your SUB benefits and have at least 6 years of seniority before the layoff started you can qualify for IMP benefits. IMP tops you up to 60% of your weekly rate.

You can collect IMP while on EI benefits, but IMP is considered “Earnings” to Service Canada and must be reported as such. This will cause your EI payments to be reduced.

When you expect your first week of IMP, you will need to report on your EI, “Yes” to “Other Monies” for the weeks you expect IMP and select “Other” as the money type. Please reach out to one of the Benefits Reps and we will have the report cleared for you. We can also have a permanent allocation put on your EI file for the IMP payments. This means you only need to report “Yes” to “Other Monies” once. You will be able to report like normal going forward and the adjustments will be made automatically.

You will receive a reduced EI Payment, once you have this payment you can fill out an IMP form. One IMP form is required for each week. You will enter your name, GMIN, which week you are applying for, and in box 3, circle “Yes” and enter your Gross amount of EI. You will also need access to your MyServiceCanada Account. There you can pull up “My Payment Details” that shows both the Gross and Net amounts. Take a screenshot of that, along with your IMP form and submit them to: Canadian_suboffice@gm.com. The company will then top you back up to the 60% rate.

If you are out of EI, you will need to re-apply still for EI benefits and be denied. The denial letter will need to be submitted to: Canadian_suboffice@gm.com with your first IMP application, and then you can do IMP applications for each week as you go forward.

IMP APPLICATION_ update 2021(1)


We hope you and your families have had a good summer so far, and we look forward to seeing everyone in the plant in a few more months.

In Solidarity,

Benefits Committee