Below is a list of retired members watches that members have requested. Please check the list and call or drop by the Union Office to pick up your watch. The office is open Monday to Friday 7:00 am to 3:00 pm.
Contact: Brent Tree President, Unifor Local 88 to make arrangements to pick up your watch at
519 425 0952 ext.101 office
519 317 6059 cell
Retiree Watch List
Wayne Attack Ted Pietrzak David Birchall Iain McMorland
Tim Louch Todd Nead Brian Onifrichuk George Enns
Wendy Cook Kevin Helkaa John H. F. Nyssen Diana Ronald
Paul Johnson Jan Moulton Rob Fawcett Heather Jones
Kelly Smith Dean VanRootselaar Gerald Maertens Cathy Verfaillie
Dave Farrer Matt Montgomery Darren Antonissen Dave Edmonds
Stefano DeCesaris Larry Kmita David W Simpson