Urgent: Your Support Needed To Keep Rail Service Public!

Lana Payne headshot

Dear Members,

In a crucial time for Canada’s passenger rail system, our collective action is more important than ever.

The risk of privatization looms large, threatening the public stewardship of our rail services. This move could undermine the promising High Frequency Rail (HFR) project, which holds the potential to revolutionize travel across Canada.

We stand at a crossroads, and your voice is critical.

The Get Canada Back on Track campaign is our united front against these changes, aimed at ensuring that the control of our rail services remains in the public’s hands. The details of our campaign, including the Government’s privatization plans and our strategies to counter them, are outlined in our recent update. View the Member Memo.

We need your immediate action:

  1. Sign the Petitiontoday to voice your opposition to rail privatization. Your signature sends a strong message to the federal government about the public’s demand for retaining public control of our rail services. Sign the Petition Now.
  2. Write to Your MP: Make your voice heard directly by those who represent you. Demand their support for public rail services and the HFR project. It only takes a minute, but it can make a significant impact.Write Your MP Now.

The deadline for the petition is fast approaching, and every action counts. Together, we can protect the future of our passenger rail system for generations to come.

In solidarity,

Lana Payne
National President