Virtual General Membership Meeting Signup – June 2021

The Local 88 Executive Board has made the decision to hold virtual GMM’s for the duration of the  lockdown in person gathering limitations. Until restrictions ease and we can get back to in person meetings.
To do this we will be using Zoom.

The Meeting takes place Sunday June 27th at 10:30 am.
If you’ve never been to a GMM this is the perfect opportunity to see what they are all about!
Please use the signup form below.
Those signed up will receive the meeting link the day before.

Deadline for signup is Saturday June 26th at Noon.

Please select a valid form

We will send a list of guidelines on how we run the meeting along with the link.

All Local 88 meetings follow Unifor anti harassment policy.
Anti-harassment policy:
Every individual has the right to dignity and respect within the union and within the workplace. Creating and preserving a safe harassment-free environment at all union activities, events and meetings is our collective responsibility. As such, Unifor’s anti-harassment policy will be in effect for this meeting and this space. unifor/constitution/unifor-harassment-policy-union-events