We have been getting swamped with questions regarding timelines for the bargaining language changes.
There are a lot of changes that need to be implemented, and we are asking people to have some patience.
To start with, and the biggest issue that needs to be implemented is the wage changes. This affects everyone working, and payroll are working on this.
You may get paid for one or two weeks under the old rate of pay – they will go back and top us up, it could take a bit of time to implement this.

Second – we just met with the company regarding the October 1st plan, ESA’s and the retirement packages.
This is a huge process. The Union reps will be calling everyone who took the layoff option on when you must report to work. No one will be coming in for Oct 1st week – the week of October 7 will be the first week people may return. We have a lot to go through.
We also DO NOT KNOW right now if they will be offering an extended layoff until Christmas – we need to know how many are potentially quitting, how many want to retire starting December 1st, and we are looking for a solid start date of 2 shifts – if it is January 6 (first full week of January) there is a good chance many will be coming in December for training.

All we know for sure right now is when we call you to come to work you must report – they will not accept any excuse – childcare, schooling, no excuses – they are trying to figure out who is returning and who is leaving as that drives other programs. If you don’t answer your phone in the first couple of days, you will be sent a letter and have 5 days to report or you are abandoning your job. If your out of province or out of country, it might be best to make plans to head home if you intend on staying at CAMI.
I am glad to say that it appears our rotating layoffs finally appear to be ending, and some people need to make a decision.

The $10 000 bonus states in the glossy that it will be paid to anyone who is active on the first Monday after the ratification. That defines you gets paid; the intent was not the payment date. As we explained at the ratification meeting, the bonus will be paid the week between Christmas and New Year as worst case. If it appears the government won’t penalize anyone on EI with how the bonus is worded, then it will be paid much sooner – we are waiting on answers – we do not want a repeat of the 4% bonus and the appeals that continue to this day.
The vacation is another issue that we `need to work on but again, we won’t have answers really fast, but it will get worked on.
The child-care internal is another area that we need time – it is not at the front of the line due to everything else going on, but Alex McCoy will begin working on that and get some information rolling at some point. The first step would likely be a plant wide survey to find out how many would be interested and how many kids this could benefit.

All of our regular benefits also need a couple weeks to get adjusted. Everything from boots, legal plan and the general benefits will all need to get the adjustments.
If you do use the legal plan, etc. and it is after September 22 you will be covered but you may have to pay for now and then put in your receipts – again GM sends out the updates and these businesses need to update their systems.

There is a lot going on and a lot needs to happen. We are working through these processes, but again, we need some time and are asking for some patience.

We are planning on a video later next week with updates in all areas including timelines if we can get some finalized.
Right now, the first step is to get the wages updated – from there we move to the next programs.

Master Bargaining Committee