COLA and Qualifiers

COLA – our COLA is adjusted starting Monday, June 5.  The COLA adjustment is 65 cents bringing our total COLA to $1.26.  You must be at full rate to receive COLA.

Some members are wondering why the COLA adjustment was so low as some thought it would be anywhere from $2-$3 dollars.  The COLA was only figured out for the past quarter – not the previous 3 years.  That is how COLA normally works – it takes into consideration inflation from the previous 3 months.

We had a bargaining conference the week of May 15 in London with Unifor National and all units from across the Detroit 3.  Local 88 made it very clear that our Master Bargaining Committee would like Unifor National and the Detroit 3 to take a hard look at profit sharing.  It seems getting COLA once every contract vs the annual $10 000 payment the UAW receives is not remotely in our favour.  Our position did not get any support from the other GM units which we don’t understand.  We have requested another meeting with Unifor National to further discuss the profit sharing concept.

Canada Day Qualifier – Everyone needs to understand their Canada Day qualifying dates.  This Friday, June 9 is the B shift qualifier.  Friday, June 23 is C shift and A shift is Friday June 30.  The second qualifying date is your first date your shift returns to work after the summer shutdown.