Final Plantwide Canvas/Battery Plant Startup.

Final Plantwide Canvas


We have the final canvas now ready.

29 people will have 29 jobs to pick from.

Union reps are starting to call this morning to try and finish off this final canvas.

Once this canvas is complete we will then be able to finalize all work charts and the final SG group and we will post on our website where everyone has ended up.

Even if you do not have an official job you will be put into the SG group and will be assigned to either A or B shifts.

We do have some holes remaining, including the 3 members who went to the Woodstock postings.  These postings hopefully will be up tomorrow.


In other news – the Battery Plant has been pushed ahead – calls are ongoing now for the first 30 members to start on Monday, March 4.

Another group will be coming in March 11 as the Battery plant gets ready to roll.

Main plant first group is set to start March 11, we are still waiting on a final list for those members coming into the main plant in March.

Plant Canvass