In-plant: Layoff Update – IMPORTANT!


Upcoming Layoff Update
Oct 5, 2023

Since the announcement of the upcoming layoff the In-plant has been discussing with the company better ways to assist members during this period.

A final resolve has not yet been reached. Mike Van Boekel is currently in Toronto assisting with GM bargaining. Some of the demands from Local 88 now sit at the main table of the current GM talks. We are going to keep pushing GM to help all members for the upcoming layoff. The deadline for a GM Master Agreement is 11:59pm, Monday, October 9.

In the meantime, members on extended layoff and members from B shift who were not yet canvassed and have not returned to work since their last scheduled weeks should expect a phone call in the next 2 days with further details/instructions (some members from B shift were canvassed, by seniority, to backfill holes in the past 2 weeks).

If you do not receive a phone call by 11am TOMORROW, please call either:

Ryan Roberts 519-608-3805
Bob Pulham 519-788-8812

We continue to work on other issues including members potentially exhausting SUB benefits, pension credits, dental coverage, etc. Currently, those arguments are being made in Toronto and will continue through the weekend if needed. If a resolve is reached before Monday we will post an update, however it may take until Monday night, or later, to see what can be negotiated.

In Solidarity
Your In-plant Committee