Layoff Update – SUB, Pensions, etc

We are extremely disappointed with today’s announcement about future layoffs.                                                                                                                                                                                                              We are very aware of the monetary issues, mental stress, anxiety and everything else this latest announcement is bringing.

We are in the middle of heavy, heavy talks with GM right now regarding SUB/IMP amounts, SUB/IMP timelines, EI, pension credits, dental coverage,  etc.  We also know we have quite a few members who were planning on returning to work in October to start making money and getting their much needed time in for their pension year.  There are also people currently off work due to parental leave, S&A, etc who would have returned to work under normal times but now must switch to layoff status.

We will have an update early next week regarding all of these issues.  We will continue our ongoing talks as we work towards a resolve.

The timeline for the layoffs to start is unknown at this time due to to ongoing UAW and Unifor talks.  Strike action may or may not delay the start of the layoffs, it will depend on parts, if UAW block battery plants, etc.  There are too many variables right now but it appears as we will run for the next few weeks.  As plans get solid CAMI will communicate a start date for the layoff period sometime in October.