Local Resources for Times of Need

The last couple of years have been a struggle for our membership with layoffs, Cami plant retooling and subsequent rotating layoffs.  The Cami Inplant committee and our Benefits reps are doing their best to work with the company and our members to mitigate the effects and work through the frustrating processes for members to get the income they are entitled to.

For many, this is the first time they may have needed to reach out to get help with finding food or other resources in times of need.

This is a list of local resources and agencies that provide food, meals and in some cases, gift cards and financial help in Oxford County.

211.ca is a great source of information for anyone in Ontario to find local resources in their area, as we understand that many of our members do not live in Oxford County.

You can go to the website where there is a chat available from 7am to 9pm daily or you can call or text 211 and a live person will answer your call 24/7, with service available in 150+ languages.

Local Resources for food etc in times of need