Short Update

There seems to be many rumours spreading on the shop floor and social media.
There is no big announcement coming on Thursday. There is no update coming this week.
Right now, it seems most of auto is in a holding pattern to see what newly elected President Trump will roll out early next week.
Trump has been threatening tariffs which could potentially decimate the auto industry in Canada. I believe that would be short sited and have a negative impact on the job situation in the USA as well. Our border flows both ways for goods and services.
Bill Harkness has informed me that he will likely be doing a video to be released late next week on the state of the business and how 2025 is shaping up.
Here are some facts: this is auto so things can change but this is the info that we know as of now:
– we return to 2 shifts the week of Feb 2 in the main plant
– the battery plant returns to 3 shifts plus one shift on pack main line on Feb 2
– GM have shipped all Brightdrops to the USA that we had parked around the plant

Next week, expect Bill Harkness to update the membership on what is going on and how 2025 will be looking.