Short Work Week (SWW) Update

We continue to struggle with our battery supply.  The company has now started to implement Short Work Week (SWW).

By the contract they can call SWW at any time for a variety of issues surrounding production.  It is very likely that SWW will become a very common item.  This week alone, C shift was told to leave at 11am Wednesday and they are not to report back until Monday 7am.

The company has the right to order SWW.  You can not elect to stay and clean or build parts.  The company also has the right to send a department home but keep specific teams (repair) or parts of a team – they may want the team leader and one p.a. to work through an issue.

Car pools may be affected by SWW.  People should also realize that SWW can be determined each day so members should be prepared to work 8 hours each day, so bring a lunch each day.

We are working on a video for June 28 that will explain much of what is going on.

For guidelines regarding SWW – it does not count towards vacation accrual and it does not count towards pension time.  SWW does count towards insurable hours.

We have asked the company to keep the hours of work hotline updated if SWW is called – 226-825-8800

If you call in or on vacation you should check the hours of work hotline to see if they need to report for work the next day.