Update Shifts, Postings and Signs up

Info for the membership.

Battery Job viewing.
To allow the membership to get a hands-on feel for the positions available in the Battery Plant, the company has set up an area in the administration building with the parts available for viewing. Members can attend the area at the end of the hallway north of the main lobby (signage will be posted in the lobby). There will be people there to answer any questions.

Monday Feb 12
Tuesday Feb 13
9am – 2pm
Admin Building
(formerly Payroll Area)
Posting for battery are now live and the postings come down on Wednesday, Feb 14 and 9am.

The week of April 1st B shift are on days.
The week of April 8th & 15th A shift are on days.
Company is currently stating March 11 they will begin “waking” up the plant. Expect the 3 weeks prior to April 1 for more and more members to be recalled as our production accelerates very quickly. We are working on posting a shift calendar shortly.

Anyone wishing to take one of the packages must sign up next week at the Union Hall – February 12-15 from 7am – 7pm