Woodstock Hospital Mental Health Programs/Camily Food Fund

Each year, one in five Canadians will personally experience a mental health problem or illness. Mental illness affects people regardless of their age, culture, education, or income levels. So why does society look at people with mental health disorders differently? The answer is stigma. Stigma prevents 40% of people with anxiety or depression from seeking medical help. It can profoundly change how people feel about themselves and make them feel even more isolated and alone. We can take steps to help end the stigma or judgement surrounding mental health issues by educating ourselves, passing on what we have learned to others, being aware of our own attitudes and behaviors, and by making a conscious effort to be understanding and supportive.

Inpatient Mental Health: Inpatient Mental Health is a 16-bed program with three Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) beds.  The inpatient care team provide observation, care and treatment to persons experiencing moderate to severe mental health symptoms. Our team works with patients and their families or caregivers to develop individualized care plans to stabilize symptoms.

Needed Items (gently used clothing can be donated, as long as it is clean)

  • Underwear
  • Bras (sports style)
  • Shoes
  • Leggings
  • Track pants
  • T-shirts
  • Heavy sweaters
  • Jackets
  • Toothbrushes/toothpaste
  • Deodorant
  • Feminine hygiene products

The Woodstock Hospital has been a tremendous help to some or members and to those in our community. They are always looking for donations for their inpatient mental health programs. If you would like to donate, or are able to please contact Alexandra.mccoy@gm.com (519-521-7052), davidlsimmons1@gmail.com, tanja.lakic@gm.com

I also wanted to remind our members that there are still grocery gift cards available to anyone who needs them. If you would like one feel free to reach out to Dave Simmons, your inplant rep or myself. There is no shame in utilizing the programs we have in place during this difficult time.


Alexandra McCoy