The inplant would like a way to be able to answer questions that our membership has in an on-going thread. The below form will allow members to submit a question. Once your question gets answered, your question and answer will appear on the bottom of the page. Please allow some time to do so.


  • The comment posting is anonymous, Members are welcome to add their name in the question if they want.
  • Questions of a personal nature will still need to be answered by your active specialty reps. List is below.
  • Any abusive or derogatory comments will be deleted and your IP may be blocked. We understand people are frustrated. This is a tool we would like to keep using. So please be respectful.
  • The purpose of this form is to allow members to ask our leadership questions. Its important we keep it to In-plant related questions.
  • If these rules are abused. The form will be shutdown and members will need to call or text their reps as has been the usual practice.
  • Questions will be answered as soon as possible. Please be patient. Once your question is answered it will automatically post.
  • Members are encouraged to bookmark this page for updates on questions asked all other updates will be posted on the main homepage as per usual.
Your question is submitted and will appear when it is answered.

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